Arkitekturupproret och Michael Diamant i SR P1 Godmorgon, världen

Michael Diamant i S:t Eriksområdet , Stockholm.
Michael Diamant i S:t Eriksområdet , Stockholm.

Lyssna på Michael Diamant, en av Arkitekturupprorets grundare i Godmorgon, världen, SR P1:


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2 svar på ”Arkitekturupproret och Michael Diamant i SR P1 Godmorgon, världen”

  1. Hej! I vår stad rivs det igen, politikerna vill att det ska vara högt, stort och signalera modern framgång. Då är man med ”på kartan med sitt varumärke”. Sanningen är att alla städer liknar varandra intill tristess. Och turisterna söker ju inte de nya ”lådkvarteren” utan vill ha det gamla. De städer som haft modet att våga behålla den gamla stadskärnan är ju de städerna som sticker ut! Jag tror också att arkitekturen förutom trivseln styr människors beteenden. Och med en mer klassisk stil skulle många känna sig lugnare och mer sinnesfulla.

  2. ”Nya dyra stadsdelen är på väg att bli en slum”
    Great article. Thank you for that.
    I’m an architect educated in the U.S. and I whole heartedly agree with you that the education of Swedish architects is below par and has to do with the education that is given at KTH. But as long as the incestous cultur of hiring at Swedish Universities is what it is nothing will change.
    Which has been proven.
    I don’t understand why any architect ”worth his salt” would try to emulate ”the Projects” of NYC from the 60’s, when they were shown to be such a disaster both socially and culturally, and later torn down.
    One thing I do not agree with is that only classical Architecture will save us from these monstrosities. Good Modern Architecture do exist and there are many good examples of these around the world. Our closest neighbors Finland and Denmark have proven the point.
    I live across one of the most disastrous buildings getting built in Stockholm right now, ”Plankan” Sodermalm. This projekt is advertised as a ”green” building, how that is possible is beyond my comprehension, since the concrete trucks, still after 3 years, are emptying their loads here. The 2 story additions that were added on top of the old buildings have absolutely no connection architecturally with those below.
    If you would be interested to visit said building I would be happy to accompany you for an ”architectural tour” to show it’s inadequacies.

    Kind Regards

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